
Welcome to the Cheltenham High School Class of 1968 webpage, CHS-68.org. Cheltenham Township was a great place to grow up in the 1950's and 60's. We were the consummate "baby boomers", and the "flower Children" of the 1960's. As children and young adults we saw the elimination of Polio, the first color television, the first satellite, the assassinations of John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy, the Civil Rights Movement and the end of segregation, the first man walk on the moon, and a controversial war that killed over 58,000 Americans. We faced the fear of nuclear war and Soviet domination and we were the beginning of the "sexual revolution" and the "feminist movement." Quite a lot to take on as young adults, but we made it and like most CHS graduating classes we have been above average in our endeavors.
The main reason for creating this site is to hopefully find all of you who have scattered throughout the country and the world. 2018 marks the 50th year since graduation and we had a great 50th reunion party as we have had at 10, 20, 30, and 40 years. But how can we invite you to our parties if we can't find you!
We now have a groups.io chs68 email list that will allow you to communicate with others in the class and most importantly will allow messages about gatherings and reunions to be sent out to the group. To join visit - https://groups.io/g/chs68
Thank You for Making our 50th Reunion a Great Success!
MARK YOUR CALENDARSANNOUNCING OUR 2025 REUNIONThursday, August 21, 2025In the Studio at The FugeWarminster, PAMore infomation to follow |
In Memoriam - honoring those no longer with us
Class of 1968 10th Reunion and 20th Reunion
Recent Pictures of Class Members and Friends
Classmate Services - Products and services available from fellow classmates
Thomas Williams Junior High School
A rival school, but maybe this will be us someday!
Cheltenham Alumni Association Site (CheltenhamAlumni.org) - (Official Alumni Information)
Cheltenham Alumni Association FaceBook Page
Links to other Cheltenham HS reunion info
Cheltenham Township School District Web Site
Information about Montgomery County
Bucks County Places of Interest
I have removed the CHS68 Facebook group and I have moved our social media prescense to the MEWE Class of 68 page. Join up and search for lost friends from high school, college, the military, or anywhere.
I have removed the classmates.com link because of complaints I am aware of about the site. Please read info at the Consumer affairs website regarding this. Be aware that any commercial website is buyer beware and I can tell you first hand that very little useful information was gained about CHS alumni at the Classmate site.
The primary way we can stay connected is via email. After investigating many group sites I have setup a group for our class at groups.io. Our groups.io name is chs68. This list allows class members to communicate by sending mail to one address and it is remailed to everyone on the list. To subscribe visit https://groups.io/g/chs68
So why are there links to TW and Glenside Elementary but not the other schools? Well that is because those are the schools I attended and that I have pictures and information for. I would be glad to feature your school if you can supply me with some material. If you have pictures you can scan of any school related activity from K-12 at any of the Cheltenham schools during the 55-68 period, please send them to me. My email is wa3dsp@gmail.com. Don't have a scanner? If you can send the items to me via regular mail I would be glad to scan them and return the orginals along with a CD copy. Email me and I will send you my address. Thanks.
Do you remember radio personality Jean Shepherd? He spoke at the forum series at CHS in May of 1968. Here is a recording of a show just prior to the CHS appearance from WOR in which he mentions CHS. Amoung Jean's accomplishments was the movie "The Christmas Story" which we see every holiday season. A more complete biography can be found at Jean Shepherd on Wikopedia
High School Never Ends - A cartoon parody
Take me back to the Sixties - a link to a web presentation
Remembering 1968.....
1968 A.D.- A Year In The Life Of Man Audio fiile 54 min 35.8 sec documenting the year 1968
Hollywood Squares (1968) | Batman (1967) |
U.S. Statistics
President: Lyndon B. Johnson
Vice President: Hubert H. Humphrey
Population: 200,706,052
Life expectancy: 70.2 years
Violent Crime Rate (per 1,000): 33.7
Property Crime Rate (per 1,000): 30.7
Homicide Rate (per 100,000): 7.3
President Johnson announces he will not seek or accept presidential renomination (March 31).
Martin Luther King, Jr., civil rights leader, is slain in Memphis (April 4).
James Earl Ray, indicted in King murder, is sentenced to 99 years.
Sen. Robert F. Kennedy is shot and critically wounded in Los Angeles hotel
after winning California primary (June 5), dies June 6.
US GDP (1998 dollars): $910.6 billion
Federal spending: $178.13 billion
Federal debt: $368.7 billion
Median Household Income
(current dollars): $7,743
Consumer Price Index: 34.8
Unemployment: 3.8%
Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.05 ($0.06 as of 1/7/68)
Super Bowl
Green Bay d. Oakland (33-14)
World Series
Detroit d. St. Louis Cardinals (4-3)
NBA Championship
Boston d. LA Lakers (4-2)
Stanley Cup
Montreal d. St. Louis (4-0)
Women: Billie Jean King d. J. Tegart (9-7 7-5)
Men: Rod Laver d. T. Roche (6-3 6-4 6-2)
Kentucky Derby Champion
Forward Pass
NCAA Basketball Championship
UCLA d. North Carolina (78-55)
NCAA Football Champions
Ohio St. (10-0-0)
This is YOUR page and we welcome additional pictures, links, or information which we can include here. Send information or questions regarding this page to Doug crompton "wa3dsp@gmail.com"
©2008-2018-2024 CHS-68.org